Thursday, January 10, 2013

Recruitment for Reviewer

           Reviewer Recruitment
Status: Part time Working language: English
Working style: Internet-based Payment: Volunteer job, no payment
Participation in the peer-review process is absolutely essential to the success and reputation of the journal. Reviewers and editors determine which works are of quality and significance. Due to our extensive readership, the research and scholarship selected by our reviewers will ultimately have an impact on literacy in national and international classrooms.
Reviewers’ names will be listed in the printed journal and on the journal's webpage.
1. Possess a doctoral degree in a discipline related closely to the journal
2. Hold a teaching or research position at a university or academic institution
3. Be fluent in academic and professional English
4. Have a strong interest in the scholarly journal
5. Work quickly and accurately under tight deadlines
 For more details, please visit our website:

Sciedu Press

Sciedu Press is a scientific publishing house. We further our objective of excellence in science, education, and culture by publishing a variety of research from around the world.
Sciedu Press publishes scholarly journals, scientific, and educational books. We specialize in publishing research journals covering a broad range of fields including sciences, medicine, social sciences, engineering, business, and management.

What is Sciedu?
"Sciedu" is a shortened combination of “science” and “education”.

Our Mission
We are devoted to publishing well-rounded works in science, education, and culture to enhance the scientific and educational worlds.

What We Do
• Publish scholarly journals along with scientific and educational literature
• Sponsor scientific research projects
• Promote international networks and cooperation in science, education, and culture